07 Oct Application of molten salts in petrochemical processes
ESE is working with a petrochemical multinational company to the application of molten salt as a temperature control fluid for their high-temperature processes....
ESE is working with a petrochemical multinational company to the application of molten salt as a temperature control fluid for their high-temperature processes....
ESE completed the feasibility study of a 200 MWhth concrete-based thermal storage for conventional cogenerative power plants. The study has analyzed the functionality of the system, the interface with the conventional plant, the related capex...
ESE, through its Energy Storage Business Unit, is glad to work as advisor for the Israel’s largest private power producer, Dalia Power Energies Ltd, by carrying out a study for the integration of a Battery Energy Storage ...
Shikun & Binui Energy reached financial closing for Etgal 186MW Open Cycle in Ashdod, Israel. It is a source of great satisfaction for ESE that has been following the project as Owner’s Engineer from the very early stage of the project. ...
ESE has been collaborating for almost one year with Carbon Capture, an Idealab Studio company, to develop advanced solutions for CSP applications in industrial fields. Innovative solar receivers coupled with different HTFs...
ESE is proud to announce its partnership with STREAM – Energy and Environment, an association counting 6 companies experienced in solar, hydrolectric and storage technologies...
ESE has has received funding within the Horizon 2020 VIDA project (Value Added Innovation in Food Chains), to study innovative gasification systems for the valorization of agricultural waste...
ESE completed a feasibility study for application of an electrolysis system to a conventional power plant, analysing alkaline and PEM technologies for a 1400 kg/h hydrogen flow application...
President Xi Jinping and Greek Prime Minister Mizutakis supervised the signature of the Cooperation Agreement for MINOS 50MW Tower CSP among financing party, EPC contractor, project developer and local construction company...
ESE has been awarded the basic design of a 450MW ISO Combined Cycle located in Middle-East. The power plant will produce 450 MW of electricity with 1 Gas Turbine and 1 Steam Turbine...